Apr 2021
by Andreas Will

5 Mistakes when buying a Multitouch Table

5 mistakes when buying a multitouch table - infographic

Where to start when it comes to planning a unique multitouch table experience? It might help to consider what NOT to do and to observe what mistakes others have already made. Benefit from more than 10 years of Garamantis experience with interactive tables!

Avoid these 5 mistakes when buying a multitouch table:

1. web technologies

In short, web technologies use a fundamentally different approach than interactive installations. For instance, web sites are designed for control by a single user. They’re optimized for resource efficient display on a multitude of different end devices, but unfortunately, they are not multi-touch capable. They’re therefore per se unable to generate an appealing user experience (UX) on a multi-touch table and should hence only be used in special circumstances. (Don’t get us wrong: web technologies in and of themselves are amazing – for web application.)

2. standard software

Any user of a multi-touch table is going to realize within mere seconds whether it’s a standard user interface with basic buttons he’s facing (like a ticket vending machine), or whether he’s dealing with an adaptive and attractive UI that invites free exploration. Years of experience have led us to the conclusion: only an individualized software that’s tailor-fit to the brand creates a truly lasting brand experience.

3. mobile apps

With millions of apps for smartphones available free of charge, why not use those and just blow them up to table size?! Well, for one thing because your multi-touch table is not a smartphone. Use it the way it’s meant to be used: not to enlarge, but to enthrall.

4. bargain offers

A perfunctory Google search for products at first sight yields a lot of results for multi-touch hardware at temptingly low prices, e. g. from alibaba.com or amazon.com. These, however, at a second glace turn out as cheap imports with incomplete or even incorrect product specifications. Safe yourself this unnecessary – and ultimately even more expensive – detour.

5. cutting corners

If you’re on a budget and have to cut costs, then don’t save on conception and software. Check if you can make (reasonable) concessions when it comes to the hardware instead. Why? A really good smartphone game even on an older smartphone still is fun to play, but amusement-wise, not even the latest high-end iPhone can make up for the shortcomings of a basic 1970s version of “Pong”.

This blog entry is an excerpt from the comprehensive white paper “In 8 steps to a successful multi-touch table project”. If you would like to receive the whitepaper for free, please send an email with the subject “whitepaper” to info@garamantis.com.

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