70th anniversary of the Constitution

Federal Government Roadshow with multi-touch scanner table

On behalf of the German Federal Press Office, our Berlin partnering agency mediapool designed an informational roadshow on the subject “Commemorating 70 years of German Basic Law”, which between May and October 2019 toured eleven German cities.

The tour started off with an official celebration of the anniversary in the city of Karlsruhe, seat of the German Federal Constitutional Court, where President of the Bundestag (the Parliament of Germany) Wolfgang Schäuble pointed out the pivotal importance of the constitution’s first article (Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.)

Garamantis had the pleasure to support interactive knowledge transfer and public participation with one of their integrated multi-touch scanner tables. The multimedia presentation, amongst others, consisted of a large Opera tent with indoor stage that held the interactive media table. The table was connected to a large presentation screen recessed into the stage’s rear wall.

At this table, groups of visitors could retrieve and read the constitution’s individual articles, solve interactive jigsaw puzzles, or test their knowledge on German federal states or other European countries. In addition, the multi-touch scanner table prompted visitors to write or draw their comments, ideas, or opinions on the German Constitution on postcards available and scan these at the table. Thereafter, the table displayed the results for later discussion, while the postcards themselves could be taken home as a souvenir.

With its sturdy metal corpus and vandalism-proof connectors, the table is particularly suitable for unsupervised outdoor use. A covered case facilitates easy transportation.

Photos: German Federal Press Office / mediapool

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Project facts

  • Client: mediapool
  • Context: Federal Government Information Tour “70 Years of the Basic Law”
  • Implementation time: 12 weeks
  • Finishing date: May 2019
  • mobile multitouch scanner table
  • digitization of wishes and questions

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Adrian Hollenberg

Once again, I very much appreciated the uncomplicated and professional cooperation with the Garamantis team on this project. In joint coordination, a product was planned, developed, programmed and manufactured on schedule that was always up to the tough everyday touring, even in changing weather conditions. Not least, the support after delivery, which was always available at short notice, helped me and my team to ensure that both customer and user were equally satisfied and that the table was always well frequented.

Adrian Hollenberg, project manager, mediapool Veranstaltungsgesellschaft mbH

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