Virtual Exhibition „Unity Gallery“

The 30th Day of German Unity in Potsdam is also celebrated digitally

The Federal Republic of Germany celebrated German reunification with the Unity EXPO in Potsdam from 5 September to 4 October 2020. 30 Years – 30 Days – 30xGermany” is the motto of the Unity EXPO.

The German government wants to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution and German Unity as an all-German anniversary. In preparation for the celebrations, a commission has developed a concept for the anniversary year, including participation in the Day of German Unity.

Real exhibition at the Unity EXPO in Potsdam

At the Unity EXPO, the commission will present itself with a cube installation on Potsdam’s Luisenplatz, inviting visitors to engage artistically with the motto of the anniversary year ‘Germany is one: many’. Citizens are invited to submit works of art for the outside of the cube, which will be assembled into a changing mosaic to form a complete work of art. The inside of the cube will be designed for three days by 10 artists selected by a jury. This real exhibition in Potsdam will be accompanied by a virtual exhibition. Together they will form the ‘Gallery of Unity’.

Virtual exhibition as a 3D environment

Only a limited number of visitors will be able to experience the installation and the artworks live and on site. This is another reason why the Commission is widening the circle of participants virtually. Users can enter and explore the virtual gallery with almost any device (VR glasses, smartphone, PC). All works of art can be viewed with additional information and videos. Visitors can meet in the freely accessible 3D environment and sign the gallery’s digital guestbook. They can also follow what is happening in the real cube in Potsdam via a live stream, experiencing the fusion of real and virtual events.

We were commissioned to create the virtual exhibition by our partner mediapool. As with the Karneval der Kulturen in Berlin, mediapool and Garamantis have found an efficient and practical solution to provide a broad target group with easy and immersive access to hybrid events.

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Project facts

  • Client: mediapool
  • Context: UnityEXPO German reunification
  • Implementation time: 4 weeks
  • Finishing date: September 2020
  • individual and variable exhibition in 3D space
  • Hosting on servers in Germany
  • supports VR glasses, browsers and mobile devices
  • Live stream to the real EXPO pavilion
  • Guestbook function

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Business Punk

Digital spaces are also being conquered by the cultural and creative pilots Garamantis. They develop interactive installations, mobile applications and multi-touch solutions for companies and institutions. The focus is always on creative and uncomplicated use of new technologies.

Digitale Räume: Wie kulturelle Events ins Internet verlagert werden

Business Punk, 6/11/2021
Janine Koehler

In a time far away from business as usual, together we succeeded in implementing a great and innovative project. The special challenges of working with a large public authority, the enormous amount of content and the short processing time did not cause any problems thanks to Garamantis’ professional approach. I appreciate the great cooperation and look forward to further exciting projects!

Janine Koehler, Projectmanager, mediapool

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