Garamantis Projects
Interactive worlds of experience and product presentations
With our interactive installations, we work at the cutting edge worldwide and are the first to test visions of software and hardware in reality. Projects around interactive, media installations are our passion. Our partners and customers come from culture, art and the free economy.
Scanner-Table Humboldt-Forum
Participants of the conference register at the interactive scanner table
German Spy Museum Berlin
Exhibition technology for the German Spymuseum in Berlin
ESA interactive exhibition
Exhibition “Spaceship Earth” with multi-touch rotary screens in the Ars Electronica Center
Deep Space mobile virtual reality
Singapore Science Centre
Interactive Shopping Wall Umdasch
Innovative stand with RFID technology at EuroShop trade fair for Umdasch viPOS
Interactive company exhibition
Tangible Interface Software at „Audioversum“ of MED-EL World Innsbruck